HTML5 Speedtest
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Become CDN host
General information
Internet connection speed test on the site 2IP.me is based on modern HTML5 technologies. One of these technologies is cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
What is CORS?
The point of CORS technology is quite simple, it allows you to provide a web page with access to resources of another domain. For example, there is domain A (2IP.me), which wants to download resources from the Z server (speedtest server). To make it possible, the web server Z, which delivers the content, is sufficient to indicate in the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin a trusted domain A. Then for the pages of this domain, the limitations of the principle of the same source to the requested pages will not apply. After this, the pages of server A will be able to download content directly from server Z.
What do we offer?
We offer anyone who wants to provide their server as a host (CDN) to check the speed of the Internet connection of our users.
How does it work?
When entering our website, the user can select any available host to check the speed of the Internet connection. In this case, the speed is not measured to our server, but to the selected server. This allows you to see a more complete picture of the quality of the provided Internet access service.
How to become a host for checking the speed of Internet connection?
Becoming one of the hosts (CDN) to check the speed of the Internet connection is quite simple, for this you need to perform a few simple steps.
Using archive with files for CDN:
Using a docker container:
Using archive with files for CDN:
- Download archive with the necessary configuration and files for testing speed.
- Unpack and place the contents of the archive on your web server, and also create for it a new VirtualHost or Аlias. If you are using an Apache web server under Linux, then you also need to activate mod_headers. Further information on how to do this you can find here.
- Make sure your host is accessible by protocol https. This is a prerequisite, since our website is used the https protocol and access to resources on other domains can only be done through a secure https connection. Free SSL certificate can be obtained on the site Let's Encrypt.
- Send us a request to add your host as CDN host for check internet connection speed.
- Wait for the necessary configuration on our website. As it is completed, you will be informed about this at the specified email address.
Using a docker container:
- Download archive with the necessary configuration and files for testing speed.
- Inside this archive, you can find the readme.txt file, which describes in detail what needs to be done to configure the docker container. Set up your server following the instructions.
- Send us a request to add your host as CDN host for check internet connection speed.
- Wait for the necessary configuration on our website. As it is completed, you will be informed about this at the specified email address.
For the correct operation of the site and the most accurate measurements of speed connection and ping, turn off the AdBlock plugin
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